Category: In English

  • Metapost

    English version below Justamente eso, un post sobre el blog. Hace dos años que no publico en mi blog, y hoy lo hago solamente para decir que le pegué una lavada de cara y, con un poco de suerte, anda un poco más rápido. No sé cuánto tiempo tenga para dedicarle (como siempre) pero, con…

  • Engineering in Mathematics

    Spanish version below I had no time to invest in this blog, but I managed to gather some to write an invited post in Lawrence Paulson’s Machine Logic. It is related to new trend of computer formalization of mathematics, in which I have also been working. You can access it through this link. Aunque no…

  • Mejor, el Principio de Hausdorff

    English version below Me he vuelto un opositor al Lema de Zorn (ZL). En sí, ZL no tiene nada de malo, y a su favor tiene una enorme fama entre los matemáticos tradicionales. Mi punto es que hay un mundo mejor, y es más barato: se llama “Principio maximal de Hausdorff (HMP)”.

  • Existen diferentes tamaños de infinito

    Debo hacer muchísimas tareas, pero es imposible evitar demorarme diez minutos en esto. Y lamento de antemano que probablemente sólo sean profesionales de la matemática quienes lean estas breves líneas. (Cantor, ca. 1874) No todos los conjuntos infinitos son iguales. Hay diversidad de infinitos, en tanto número. En cantidad, hay más puntos en una recta que…

  • Models of the Universe

    I promised my friend Zoltán a translation of an older post in Spanish, Modelos del Universo, so here it is. It is almost a literal version. After some reflection on independence proofs in Set Theory using the method of forcing, one of my conclusions was that it should not be too counterintuitive the fact of adding a new…

  • Describing Behavior

    This is a follow up of a previous post where a formalization of the concept of behavior –bisimilarity– was presented. Now I want to focus into one approach to characterize “equivalence of behavior,” that is, when two states of a system are bisimilar.

  • Behavior

    I’ll review in this post one of the most important notions of equivalence of behavior used in Computer Science: Bisimilarity. Actually, “behavior” is a very deep word, and it is likely that one can not give a precise mathematical definition of what it means. But in a restricted context, there’s such definition and its surprising degree…

  • Introducing Modley

    I have a brand-new favicon at this blog. It is actually a very simple, albeit special, smiley (or “emoji,” of you prefer): Modley is, as most of you have already noticed, the “consequence” or “satisfaction” symbol used in model theory and in Logic in general, rotated 90° counterclockwise. You may typeset the actual symbol $\models$…

  • Obscene Mathematics

    Several years ago, I had the idea of setting up a mathematics website. One candidate name was “F!cktorial. Mathematics under consent of the King.” Luckily, I was unable to attain this goal, but I found a YouTube username, Numberphile, that almost fits the bill. I’ve watched two of Numberphile’s videos, they were rather interesting. The…

  • Happy $\binom{2^6}{2}$!

    In the Southern hemisphere we are enjoying summer games, like drawing some Boolean algebras. If you’re bored, you may try and check if the drawing is correct.